Perancangan Program Sistem Informasi Persediaan dan Penjualan Barang Pada Toko Sparepart Motor

Bibit Sudarsono, Erniyati Erniyati


Of information technology especially in information technology based on computers , is very rapidly and this impact on the job , including in the field of supply and sales of .The system supplies and the sale of still manual resulted in difficulty in managing data and find data and less akuratnya in making report , so it needs already computerized system .Therefore propose a system that can help in expedite work , with the information system the design supplies and selling goods that is the best solution to solve the problem is , and the can ease computerized performance sparepart the store. A computerized system better than the manual and make the sales activity more effective and efficient and report made can be minimalisir guilt .In designing program using programming language java with editor netbeans ideas 8.1 with the ability pemprograman object that is based oriented feature a user interface good and userfriendly .For databases use mysql database.

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